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Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ) use Eftsure, an Australian-owned payment software to securely manage supplier information and payment verification.
Verifying your details
To supply to TIQ and receive payment, you must first verify your business details with Eftsure.
If you are a new or unverified supplier, you will receive an email from with a link to verify your details.
The link will take you to Eftsure's online supplier verification portal to set up your account. In the portal you will provide your business name, ABN and bank account details.
Businesses with an Australian bank account can choose to verify their bank account by:
- a secure link to your bank
- or requesting a phone call from the Eftsure team to confirm your details are correct.
To verify the legitimacy of the call, you can ask the Eftsure team to confirm some details entered during your registration.
Verification for international accounts
If your business has an international bank account, one of our team from international office you are dealing with will call you to verify your business.
After verification is complete
Once Eftsure has finished the verification process, your information is securely passed to us. This allows payments to be processed with confidence that your information is secure and accurate.
Phone: 1300 985 976
TIQ Finance Team
Phone: +61 7 3514 3141
Frequently asked questions
Registering with Eftsure ensures we pay you and not someone else incorrectly either due to error or fraud.
Eftsure processes, in particular the verification phone call made to an independently sourced phone number, provides assurance that your details entered into the Trade and Investment Queensland Finance System are genuine and up to date. In addition, immediately prior to making a payment to you, the Eftsure system reviews the payment file and checks that the payment is going to the correct account.
Any instances where the bank account in the payment file are different to what is registered in Eftsure are flagged for Trade and Investment Queensland staff to review and correct if necessary before a payment is made.
Below are the only phone numbers Eftsure use for verification purposes:
Global: 02 9054 4851
NSW/ACT: 02 7905 5597
VIC/TAS: 03 7068 9020 & 08 6219 8254
WA/SA/NT: 08 6388 0080 & 08 6219 8254
QLD: 07 2113 8441 & 07 3497 3262
New Zealand: +64 9801 8276
UK: +44 20 8054 7400
USA +1 833 903 2230
Canada: +1 778 312 2900
Trade and Investment Queensland's Finance team will arrange for Eftsure to send the supplier a change request form to assigned email address in their Eftsure portal.