Head office – Brisbane


+61 7 3514 3147


Level 10, 1 William Street
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
View on Google maps


PO Box 12400
Brisbane QLD 4003 Australia

International offices

We have highly experienced representatives in key global markets plus regional trade and investment advisors in major centres across Queensland. 

Our teams will help you find the right opportunities for you that offer the best investment or export returns.

Website feedback

Please take some time to fill in our website feedback form. We highly value your feedback and would like to hear your thoughts to continuously improve our web experience and content. 

Your privacy

Your privacy is important to us. Trade and Investment Queensland collects your personal information and handles it in accordance with ourPrivacy Policy. By submitting this form, you are agreeing to this policy. You can unsubscribe at any point by emailing privacy@tiq.qld.gov.au or by opting out of any correspondence you receive.