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Over two million attendees will visit the Australian experience in Dubai. For Queensland fashion businesses, that is an unprecedented level of exposure to an international audience.
Visit the Australia Pavillion retail store.
Luxury through sustainability
Australian leather is highly sought after – with saltwater crocodile particularly prized by French and Italian fashion houses. Its unique symmetrical pattern makes it the world’s most desirable exotic skin.
Croctique handbags, wallets and belts are taking pride of place at the Australian Pavilion Retail Store – with a selection of bespoke designs available that highlight the understated luxury of Australian fashion accessories.
Using skins sourced exclusively from Hartley’s Creek Crocodile Farm in Far North Queensland, Croctique ensures that each animal is raised under government conservation plans and to standards that meet best practices in animal husbandry and welfare.
Style through adventure
At the heart of every Australian is a love of exploration and the outdoors – a lifestyle coveted the world over. Living under the Australian sun means that products need to be of the highest quality.
Made primarily from natural kangaroo leather on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Jacaru’s hats and accessories are made with natural materials for outdoors lovers, global travellers and spirited adventurers.
A by-product of the food industry, Jacaru’s kangaroo skins are harvested from a self-replenishing wild population – making it one of the most sustainable leathers in the world.
Australian-style, high-quality fashion starts in Queensland. We’re showing the world the best Queensland has to offer at Expo.